Imagine knowing what you know now, and you had a time machine that allowed you to go back and watch the Beatles before they really hit their stride. Imagine witnessing Michael Jordan when he really started to turn the corner, or being there when that first airplane went up into the air…Can you imagine seeing a game changer happen right before your eyes?
I’ve heard a lot of people talk about changing the game, but I rarely see someone actually do it. I don’t care what we’re talking about. When it comes to basketball, I always wonder what’s next? How can we create new stuff, new strategies, new moves, for a sport that was been around since the early 1900s?
I mean so many people have played this sport, how much more can we come up with. With that said, I’ve watched a lot of basketball my whole life, and paid special attention to it over the last 4 years. I’ve watched more (Full) games than I can count and it made me sure of one thing. There are two players that play in the NBA that have given me something I’ve never seen before and it’s led me to believe that they are changing in a way I’ve never seen before. Their names are Stephen Curry and James Harden.

To take it a step further, people started wearing baggy shorts and didn’t know why? “His AIRNESS” the originator. When Mike entered the NBA he would wear his UNC shorts underneath the tight fitting Bulls shorts (Short shorts were what everyone wore at the time). He requested some longer, loose fitting shorts so the other pair would fit comfortably. Little did he know that he would set a new trend for players across the world. Even Kobe. Kobe wore his Lower Merion shorts underneath his Laker shorts.